Arts and Culture Awards

A and C awards

Nominations for the 2023 Arts & Culture Awards Are Now Closed.

The Arts and Culture Awards, created by the Charlottetown Arts Advisory Board, are held bi-annually to honour those who contribute substantially to Charlottetown's arts and cultural sector. Awards are presented in the following categories:

  • Emerging Artist: recognizes an individual who has received some education, apprenticeship, or an equivalent in their art form and is in the early years of launching a professional career. Emerging artists have created and publicly presented a modest body of independent work and are ready for the next steps in their artistic development.
  • Artistic Excellence Award: recognizes an individual who has, overall, exhibited artistic excellence. The recipient has significantly contributed to their respective disciplines, and their leadership, innovation, and creativity have positively influenced the City of Charlottetown.
  • Lifetime Achievement Award: recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions over their lifetime to arts and culture in our community.
  • Champion of the Arts: This award recognizes an individual, group, business, or event that has substantially contributed to the arts and cultural development of our community. This award honours the promotion of arts and culture to residents and visitors and recognizes contributions to the community's overall quality of life.
  • Late Great Award: This award, created in 2021, salutes and honours a remarkable artist from Charlottetown’s past. 

An independent panel of past winners of the Arts and Culture Awards will determine the award winners. The panel is chaired by one (non-voting) member of the Arts Advisory Board. Each award winner will receive a one-of-a-kind award created by a local artist. Award recipients in each category, except the Late Great Award, will receive a cash prize.

Nominations for the 2023 Arts & Culture Awards are now closed.

The recipients of all awards will be announced at an awards ceremony on October 25, 2023.

For more information on the Charlottetown Arts and Culture Awards, call 902-566-5548.

Call for Award Design

The City also seeks proposals from local artists and artisans for the award design, to be presented to the recipients at the Arts and Culture Awards. To learn more, click here.