Watershed Report Cards

The City of Charlottetown has partnered with Holland College, the Ellen’s Creek Watershed Group and Wright’s Creek Watershed Environmental Committee to prepare Watershed Report Cards. These reports aim to give readers a quick and accessible overview of how watersheds within Charlottetown are faring.

Data collected through the Ecological Pond Study (an ongoing initiative between the City, Holland College Environmental Applied Science Technology program, and local Watershed Groups) and the Post-Fiona Urban Forestry Restoration Strategy were combined to provide a high-level overview of local watershed conditions, including water quality, aquatic macroinvertebrate populations, canopy cover, riparian conditions, and highlights local conservation efforts of local watershed groups.

Monitoring the watersheds helps to determine where to focus conservation efforts and how changes to the city are impacting natural areas.  

For additional information or more detailed data, please email: [email protected]