Cross Country Skiing
During the winter months, our department offers three groomed cross-country skiing trails within Charlottetown. Maps are available at City Hall or view the maps online.
Trail Information
Charlottetown features a variety of trails suitable for walking, hiking, cycling, jogging, and even cross country skiing during the winter.
Confederation Trail
This is a multipurpose path that runs from east to west, from tip to tip of the Island.
Learn more about the Confederation Trail.
Routes for Nature and Health Trails
A 40-km walking and cycling trail system travels throughout the City and connects various neighborhoods and communities within the City. The Confederation Trail within City limits is part of this trail system network.
City Trail Maps
Victoria Park Trail Map
City Trails Descriptions
Active Transportation
What is Active Transportation?
Active Transportation is normally defined as any form of self-propelled (non-motorized) transportation that relies on the use of human energy such as walking, jogging, cycling, inline skating, skiing, and mobility challenged users of non emissions devices (scooters and wheel chairs). These modes of transportation can utilize on-road and off-road facilities such as sidewalks, cycling lanes, and multiuse trails.
The City of Charlottetown wants to encourage safe cycling within our municipal boundaries. Our department continues to work to identify safe cycling routes throughout the City, along with promoting the needed infrastructure and services.
NEW City of Charlottetown Cycling Map
NEW Cycling in Charlottetown
Dedicated Bike Lanes
Walk Your City - Map