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Event Details
Time: Tuesday, April 30th from 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Location: PEI Brewing Co. , 96 Kensington Road, Charlottetown
Email Address:
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Why are you interested in attending the Build a Better Home Panel Discussion & Q+A? (Select all that apply)
Building a new home and interested in energy efficient designs
Renovating an existing home and want to improve energy efficiency
Developer, contractor, or designer interested in passive home/energy efficient design/building
Curious about how climate change is impacting homes/Cities and how to build resiliency into your home (ie. against flooding and other extreme weather damage)
When you attend this event you are eligible to enter to win a Heat Pump & Installation valued up to $5,000*!
*One ballot per household, per event and you must attend to fill out a ballot to enter.