Climate Change

climate change

In 2019, the City of Charlottetown joined hundreds of other Canadian municipalities in declaring a Climate Emergency. All over the globe the severe impacts of climate change are being experienced and are quite costly for governments and individuals who are dealing with extreme weather, infrastructure damage, displacement, and adaptation and mitigation efforts. 

The City of Charlottetown took part in 'Municipalities and Utilities Partnering for Resilience' project led by QUEST (Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow)  in 2019. The first phase of this process involved the collaboration of various stakeholders and City departments in assessing the City of Charlottetown's  risk and resilience, specifically when it comes to extreme weather events in the context of climate change. The second phase compiled some key findings and recommendations of how to bolster our climate change resilience moving forward. 

A major hazard identified in the recommendations report was hydrological hazards including: coastal flooding, sea level rise, and other forms of flooding from increased precipitation, especially in winter and spring. This is just one area where residents can take individual action to protect their homes with some simple and cost-effective (or even free!) preventative measures.  

The Climate Risk and Resilience Assessment Report, and the Climate Risk and Resilience Recommendations Report are available on this page for review. Useful information and resources for homeowners regarding home flood protection can also be found on this page.

Everyone has a role to play in preventing and adapting to the impacts of climate change - stay informed and get involved. 


Provincial Government Action on Climate 
The Government of PEI also recognizes the need to take action to mitigate and adapt to a changing climate. 
Climate Change Action Plan for PEI
Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report 2018

Local climate research
The UPEI climate lab conducts research and science on climate change adaptations and impacts locally. 
UPEI Climate Lab

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. 
The IPCC regularily prepares comprehensive Assessment Reports as well as Special Reports reflecting the knowledge and assessments of climate change in general as well as on specific issues related to climate change. 
IPCC Reports