Nature Based Stormwater Infrastructure for Homes, Communities and Cities
Presenter: Victoria Fernandez (CBCL)
Description: The use of the natural properties of the soil and vegetation to treat and drain runoff flows provides multiple environmental, social and economic benefits. This approach is known as green infrastructure or low impact development and can be implemented at multiple scales from single residential units to entire watersheds. This presentation will provide an overview of the multiple types of green infrastructure that can be implemented at a site as well as the benefits, challenges and barriers of this approach. The discussion will include examples of successful implementation in Atlantic Canada and areas of opportunities for implementation in Charlottetown.
Reduce Your Risk of Home Flood Damage
Presenter: Cheryl Evans (Director of Home Flood Protection, Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation)
Description: We can’t control the weather but we can take simple and cost-effective steps today to help reduce the chances that water will enter our homes and minimize damage if flooding occurs. This webinar highlights the flood-related impacts of climate change on Prince Edward Island, identifies different types of flooding that impact island residents and points to a variety of free government resources and simple flood risk self-assessment tools, do-it-yourself checklists and how-to videos that can help homeowners, landlords and tenants protect their homes and their belongings. An introduction to flood insurance in Canada and opportunities to qualify for flood resilience discounts will also be provided. All participants will receive a PEI Home Flood Protection Resources Page that features links to all of the user-friendly materials cited during the presentation.
Building a Rain Garden at Home
Presenter: Norman Dewar (Ellen's Creek Watershed Group)
Description: Norman Dewar with Ellen's Creek Watershed Group will discuss building a raingarden for Spring Park Elementary school and how you can build one at home here in Charlottetown.
Climate change and flooding risks in PEI
Presenter: Dr. Xander Wang (UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation)
Description: In this talk, Dr. Wang will first present the potential climate challenges that PEI will be facing in the coming decades. The flooding risks caused by the rising sea level and more intensive and frequent precipitation extreme events across PEI will then be discussed. Dr. Wang will also provide a demo about how to estimate the flooding risks for private properties using some free
Navigating Home Flood Insurance
Presenter: Graham Little (IBC Atlantic Region)
Description: Graham Little of the Insurance Bureau of Canada will discuss the different types of flood insurance and how to best protect your property from flooding.